Eltern surfen häufiger im Internet, als Kinderlose. 75 Prozent der deutschen Eltern sind mindestens einmal pro Woche online. Bei der Gesamtbevölkerung sind es laut eiaa nur 61 Prozent.
Der aktuelle EIAA Mediascope Europe Spotlight untersucht das Internetnutzungsverhalten von Erwachsenen mit Kindern sowie von kinderlosen Erwachsenen in Europa. Die Studie zeigt, wie interessant die Zielgruppe Eltern ist. Nicht nur surfen Eltern häufiger – Sie kaufen auch mehr online.
Dabei wird es deutschen Eltern nicht leicht gemacht – nur die Hälfte hat Breitband-Anschluss. Da sind wir doch etwas sehr technisch unterversorgt.
Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse in Englisch:
– The percentage of people living with children using the internet each week has grown substantially by +38% since 2004 to 76% across the 10 countries surveyed and nearly two thirds (65%) log on at the weekend
– These digital parents spend 12 hours online each week and more than one in four (27%) is a heavy user spending 16+ hours online every week
– 86% of digital parents shop online, up +100% since 2004, buying an average of ten items each in a period of six months and spending €686 on these items. In comparison 83% of single users shop online and spent €484 on nine items in the same period of time
– The most popular products/services bought online amongst digital parents are travel tickets (47%), clothes (38%), books (37%), holidays (36%), electrical goods (34%) and concert/festival/theatre tickets (33%). The research also highlights the differences between digital parents and single users when shopping online with single users purchasing more music downloads while digital parents buy more holidays and electrical goods indicating that family needs and wants are shaping their web behaviour
– Over half (54%) of all digital parents book holidays or make travel arrangements more as a result of the internet, 53% have chosen better products/services and 47% feel better able to manage their finances due to the internet whilst only 39% of single users agree with this statement. More single users feel that as a result of the internet they are able to stay in touch with friends and relatives with 82% claiming this vs. 73% of digital parents
– Regarding websites visited news (58%), local information (50%), banking and finance (49%), travel (47%) and music (44%) are the most popular website types amongst digital parents and the fastest growing websites amongst these parents are dating and films. When compared with single users digital parents visit far more banking and finance, holiday and price comparison sites whereas music and film websites are more popular with single users
– 81% of all digital parents now use a broadband connection, a growth of +37% since 2004, and over half (51%) of these broadband users are wireless
– The most popular web activities amongst digital parents include email (79%), communicating via social networking sites (43%), instant messaging (40%), listening to the radio (32%), watching film, TV or clips (29% and downloading music (29%) however blogging and creating and sharing content have grown in popularity since 2007
Die von der EIAA (European Interactive Advertising Association), dem Branchenverband pan-europäischer Online-Vermarkter und Technologiedienstleister, in Auftrag gegebene Studie „Mediascope Europe 2008“ befragt jährlich Internetnutzer in ganz Europa. Mit über 9.000 befragten Nutzern, davon mehr als 1.000 in Deutschland, gehört die EIAA Mediascope Europe zu den umfassendsten Umfragen, in denen die Internetgewohnheiten von Konsumenten untersucht werden.
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